Check your work
Check your work
You can check your work throughout this course by visiting the GitHub repo for this course and comparing your code to the code in the repo.
GitHub is a website that you will encounter a lot as you learn to code. For now, you can think of it as a website to store backups of your coding projects. Projects on GitHub are called repos (this is short for repositories).
The repo contains one folder for each module. The files in each module contain the final code for the module, not the starting code.
Download repo
If you want a local copy of the repo, you can download the repo by using the green Code button and selecting Download ZIP. You can unzip the file on your computer and then open it up in VS Code.
Note: I might occasionally update the repo, so you may have to download the repo again in the future to get the latest version.
Solutions website
You can also view what the final code should look like in the browser for each section using our solutions website. The solutions website has a link for each section. Click on the link to see what the final code should look like for that section. This website is tied to our GitHub repo, which means every time we update our repo, the website should automatically update as well, so it should stay up-to-date.